Monday, January 10, 2011

Don't Blame the Message OR the Messenger

I submitted this to the opinion desk so whether they publish it or not, here you go!

Over the past few days, everyone from Adolf Hitler to Sarah Palin (although, to some people, there is no difference between the two) has been blamed for the horrific shooting in Arizona. Reports say that the suspect, Jared Laughner’s, Myspace page cited Mein Kampf and The Communist Manifest as his favorite books ( How can one be both a Nazi (state control) AND A Communist (control by the people)? But I digress

However, the Tea Party, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck have also been cited as influences on the suspect. That their “vitriolic” and “violent” messages drove the suspect to kill a democrat to “take his country back.” This paper even furthered this line of thinking in an opinion piece run Monday that featured quotes by only conservative people, some of which, I know for a fact (since I heard them said) were either sarcastic or in jest.

Let’s stop and look at this for a minute. The suspected shooter was a devoted Tea Party member, loved Hitler, and was a communist? Now, I’m no political science major, but a few of those ideals seem diametrically opposed to each other.

So I propose a third person to blame: the person who actually carried out the attack? How about we blame the man who bought the gun and pulled the trigger? I know this concept of personal responsibility is completely foreign to Americans (I mean, it’s not like our founders based our government on it or anything), but we should use this idea.

I listen to Beck and Palin on an almost daily basis, and somehow I’ve never felt motivated by these people to go on a killing spree. I’ve read The Communist Manifesto and watched MSNBC, and yet those views have not caused me to attempt violent overthrow of the government.

So instead of blaming everyone else for this tragedy, let’s blame the person who actually committed it. Yes, he may have been a troubled young man, and all of these ideals may have influenced him, but only the shooter is actually responsible for his actions.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Long Time, No See

Yes, it's been a while since I blogged here. To be honest, I've become a bit politically cynical lately. I've been so busy "being a journalist" in classes that I've distanced myself from politics. However, a few things have happened lately to start to bring me out of that attitude.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell repealed- most people don't realize that this policy was not made to keep gays out of the military. It is supposed to apply to all people. Neither straight nor gay soldiers are supposed to talk about their sex lives. However, as a passionate advocate for gay rights, I am thrilled that all people who want to serve their country now can do so. There is no greater honor than fighting for one's country, and now every American has the opportunity to do so.

9-11 First Reponders Bill- This is both an example of why I love and hate politics. In Washington, people can't just vote on something on its own merits. Everything has to be bundled with other things so people have to vote for stuff they don't like in order to pass stuff they do like. Originally, the 9-11 responders bill was bundled in a larger defense bill which failed. However, it was later voted on on its own, and passed. It seems to be that a lot mroe would get done if things were voted on individually instead of in a lump. However, I am glad this bill passed. Those who responded on 9-11 are nothing short of heroes, and should have all medical ailemnts they got from responding taken care of.

The 112th Congress begins with the reading of the Constitution- how cool is this? The House of Representatives today read the entire Constitution of the United States, from start to finish, to start the new legislative session. Unfortunately, very few representatives were in the house chaimber for the reading. It only took a little over an hour people! And you couldn't sit through that? I know it's hard, actually having to listen to the rules of your job, but I have to do it, why shouldn't they? I applaud the house leadership for taking the step, though.

My application to Mercury Radio Arts- Yes, yesterday I sent my cover letter and resume to Mercury Radio Arts- Glenn Beck's company. It would be way more fun than spending the next three years in law school :)