Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's On

My frustration with the Obama administration and the democrat controlled congress has now turned to anger.

Furious, extreme anger.

Today the Senate passed a version of the fairness doctrine. It uses backdoor FCC regulations in order to enforce a balance of ideas on radio. It isn't a conspiracy that allows conservatives to dominate talk radio.

It's the free market.

Air America, a liberal talk radio network, was launched several years ago. You know what happened?

It went bankrupt. Because no one wanted to listen.

Radio stations are in it to make money. And conservative talk radio makes money. Rush Limbaugh rakes in millions in ad revenue. That's why so many stations cary him, and why he is on for three hours every day.

But the liberals in congress want to force their views on America. It apparently isn't enough that they control broadcast and print journalism. They need radio too.

Then there is the continued line of porkulous bills.

This president has spent $36 BILLION a day since he was in office.

His spending bill has upwards of $3 TRILLION in new spending.

And yet, he stood in front of the nation Tuesday night (depriving me of new episodes of 'Scrubs', I might ad) and told me and the rest of America that we need to get out of debt and criticized the Bush administration for allowing the national debt to rise.

And he turns right around and proposes a multi-trillion dollar budget, $860 BILLION stimulus package, and the congress today passed a $490-ish BILLION spending package with 8,600 EARMARKS!

Oh, and guess what. President Obama and Vice-President Biden HAVE MULTIPLE EARMARKS IN THE BILL!

I seem to recall Obama saying something about not signing any legislation with earmarks and pork during the campaign...and yet he is PROPOSING earmarks in a bill?

Never mind the complete disregard for economic ideals. Where are we going to get all of this money? China won't loan us any money, because they know we're not good for it. Europe is dealing with its own economic issues, so they don't have any money to give us.

So, that means we are going to have to print it. Every dime.

And what does the mass printing of money do?

It devalues all of the money.

Which leads to inflation.

And the inflation that is going to come upon my generation and the generation after me looks to be the likes of which no one has seen since post-World War 1 Germany.

Remember those pictures in your history books of people taking wheelbarrows to the grocery store?

Yeah, that is what I am talking about. That kind of inflation.

What frustrates me even more is the complete lack of respect in this administration. In his speech Obama didn't try to hide his Bush-bashing. And the democrats didn't either, hooting and hollering when Obama said that they needed to take care of "the massive debt we inherited." That debt was huge way before Bush got into office, and looks to be even larger when Obama leaves in 4 years.

There is also the minimum wage increase that congress passed a few years ago. It comes into effect this year. What happens when you raise the minimum wage? Employers are forced to cut hours/employees because they can no longer afford to employ as many people at a higher rate. This does what, oh, raise unemployment. And isn't Obama about lowering it?

And what happens when all of his roads and bridges and other public works projects are completed? Those people no longer have jobs either. So they are what, unemployed again. And we are right back where we started.

I have no idea how this administration thinks it is going to cut the national debt in half by 2014. Especially when they continue to throw trillions of dollars out the window. It's time, as Glenn Beck said today, for Americans to stand up for themselves. Their government is failing them in a massive way, and wasting their money and stealing money from their children and grandchildren.

Revolution is necessary in some cases. Not military revolution, but ideological. Only 20% of americans identify themselves as liberal, and our country is being run by the most liberal congress ever. This is not representative of America.

But what do I know. It is very likely that tomorrow my blog will be removed because it isn't "fair."

"State of the Nation" Thoughts

Last night's speech is being referred to as a "State of the Nation" address, NOT a State of the Union. I thought those were the same thing, but I guess not! I am blogging the speech as it happens, so it might be a little jumbled.

First of all...I never realized how tall the president is. i mean, usually you don't see him around people, so it's hard to judge his height. But dude, he's kind of tall.

First off, I am not a fan of the biblical "day of reckoning" language here. And he is going on about responsibility, yet he is not allowing companies to face up to their responsibilities. A company had sucky policies, it should have to fix itsself, not wait for government to fix it.

And I am still confused about this college credit. Is it $2500 per year for 4 years, or just $2500 for all 4 years?

AHHH...apparently only banks need to be responsible, as Obama says we will save them, but they will be in trouble.

He says we need to have more lending...but we need to make sure we are lending to reliable people. Uncontrolled lending is what got us in this mess.

Ok...I do like his line "The nation that invented the automobile cannot walk away from it."

His budget will focus on education, healthcare, and energy. Didn't he use up his budget card with the stimulus?

I don't think any politician understands the problem with education. College is overpriced. Make it cheaper, don't send me money to pay for it. Also, let's start emphasizing the arts and english. Math and science are so emphasized that there is nothing for those who are not good at those subjects.

Ok, i do like what he said. We should encourage adults to seek higher education. And he says that dropping out of high school is "no longer an option. You are not failing yourself, you are failing your country and America needs and values the talents of all its citizens." However, I really am too lazy to do community service to get more money for college. And he is absolutely correct in saying that parents need to have a more active role in their children's education. If a parent doesn't care, the children won't care. Lead by example.

Ahhh, time for the debt. I don't like debt, this is why I do not use credit cards. And why is everyone cheering about inheriting a deficit? We shouldn't be excited about the failures of the previous administration, we should be saddened by the failures of everyone and be looking for a way to fix it. Everyone is at fault. the deficit has been around and growing since the dinosaurs roamed the earth, and it isn't showing any signs of stopping. But really, does France still expect us to pay them back that money they leant us in the Revolutionary War?

Obama says that definitively, if you make less than $250,000 a year, your taxes will not go up at all. I guess he's changed his mind from previous tax plans proposed during the campaign.

However, he is totally fine spending forever in Afghanistan, but we need to be out of Iraq...yesterday. I don't get it at all. And closing Gitmo is still a horrible idea. Where are we going to put these terrorists? How are we going to prosecute them?

It looks like we are getting to the local anecdote part of the speech, so I will bid you adieu. I am very sleepy :(

And the Soapbox Goes To...

There is one thing that annoys me more than others.

When people win awards and use that to wax poetic about their political beliefs.

Usually, there is no backlash. Sally Field is doing fine after talking about how "if mothers ruled the world there would be no GD wars" at the Emmys last year.

Michael Moore has not faired as well. After using his win for Bowling for Colombine to go on and on about his beliefs. He lost the award for his second film, and has seemingly vanished.

Last night was no exception. When the writer of Milk won for best screenplay, he used the opportunity to talk about gay rights. Sean Penn did the same thing after winning best actor for the same film.

I know that your film is about a gay rights activist, but I don't want to hear about it. You won an award, say thanks and leave. I don't tune into the Oscars to hear about the political beliefs of actors.

if someone went up there and talked about how they support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, I would be just as angry.

It's not hard. Grab Oscar. Say thanks. Leave stage.

Nowhere in there do I want political speeches.

Especially from one who goes down and hangs with Hugo Chavez.

Are You Afraid of the Economy?

Several times on this blog I have been accused of hypocrisy. I don't believe these accusations are correct, but to each his own.

However, someone else is now a a HUGE way.

President Obama continuously on the campaign trail denounced the politics of fear he accused the Bush administration of using.

However...he himself is now employing fear to sell this stimulus package.

In his press conference, and his town hall meetings, the president continually speaks of the impending doom that apparently awaits if this package is not passed. Apparently, the Earth will stop spinning and a giant black hole will eat us all if this bill is not passed. At least, that is what the president would have the public believe.

However, this bill will only make things worse. Where will the money come from? No one will lend to us, so we have to print it. And that will cause inflation to skyrocket. I don't know about you, but I'm not strong enough to bring my wheelbarrow of money to buy bread.

Not even that, but there are all sorts of hidden pet projects in the bill, including a measure towards universal health care! I bill call for making all medical records electronic. This is a good thing, as it will allow doctors across the country to receive the files of their patients.

However, this measure also allows the government to approve medical procedures and disapprove procedures they do not agree with I am not ok with the federal government overriding my doctor when it comes to my medical care.

Maybe this measure will be worked out in committee. Maybe the price tag will go down. I highly doubt it though, and the doom the president says will come if this bill is not passed is sure to come if it does.

I Charge $5 An Hour

Before we get to serious matters, a question: who watches the kids when the Obama's go out?

They went to an opera or something the other night, so I started wonders...are there federal babysitters, or is babysitting part of secret service training? I hope it is the later, for I love the idea of secret service agents playing hide and seek, using their walkie talkies to help each other.

Onto serious matters. President Obama is...on the campaign trail? Did he not get the memo that he doesn't have to do that anymore?

He was in Elkhart, Indiana today. Apparently, Elkhart has the highest unemployment in the country, which is odd when you figure that my home state of Indiana is in a surplus and Governor Mitch Daniels is awesome and stuff.

But when you look at the fact that the town's entire economy revolves around the production of RVs, it isn't as surprising. Only diversified economies can survive a crisis, and Elkhart isn't one of them.

The president also took questions from the audience. One woman asked how he can expect Americans to pay their taxes if his own cabinet appointees can't. President Obama told the crowd to stop booing, and that it was a legitimate question. He again admitted his mistakes.

A man told the president that the stimulus needs to stop going to banks and companies and "straight into my mailbox." The president basically told the man that that isn't really possible.

The president touted a part of the bill I knew nothing about: a $2500 tax credit per college student for families. Now, i am all for free money, especially since my parents have a parent plus loan for me hanging over their heads. However, this doesn't tackle the problem. The problem is not that families need money for college, it is that college is too expensive.

People complain about the high cost of health care, and the high salaries of doctors. However, when you see that these doctors graduate college several hundred thousands of dollars in debt, their high salaries are a little more understandable. If you lower the cost of education, health care costs go down as well!

If college is less expensive, it also allows more people to attend. If we have a larger group of highly educated people, our country can improve greatly. However, you can run into a problem there, as people will demand better work and higher wages. But for the most part, it would improve our country greatly.

I am still not a fan of this stimulus bill, mostly because it has been completely distorted by Nancy Pelosi and her followers. Maybe the president's speech tonight will sway me. I highly doubt it, though, as I am missing an episode of House due to it, and am not happy about it.

Bad Jokes, Bad Bills, Bad Bees

I am writing this Thursday night becasue President Obama has just given a speech in front of a caucus of democrats, and I have a few things to say about it.

For starters, Obama basically yelled for the entire 20-ish minutes. Not very presidential, eh?

He also basically said Republicans needed to just get with it and vote for the package without trying to change it. What happened to the cooperation and working together of earlier this week?

And apparently if this bill isn't law by February 16 all hell is going to break loose and we are all going to die and the stock market will hit zero and the Earth will explode. At least, that's what I'm getting out of this absolute deadline.

Also, it seems the speech was not meant to be televised, as the feed was cut right afterwards, and before the question and answer session. Was this because the White House knew it would be such a strong speech and didn't want to alienate people?

The speech was also filled with many jokes at President Bush's expense and soaring rhetoric that President Obama uses to perfection to distract people from the lack of substance in his speeches.

There is so much stuff in this bill that doesn't belong. I can see the validity of honeybee research and building safe-houses for prostitutes...but it does not belong in this stimulus bill. I hate piggybacking pet projects into bills like this. it slows down the process and prevents help from actually getting to whom it is needed.

The president will be speaking to the public Monday night. Maybe that will be a less-heated appeal for their support of a $920 billion dollar "stimulus package."

Are My Missing Tax Payments In Your Cabinet?

I think Blago has found new employment.

As cabinet appointee researcher for the Obama administration.

Seriously, how can you pick THREE people who all have big tax payment issues for your cabinet?

What's worse, how can Congress approve the worst offender TO HEAD THE TREASURY!!!!

And I love the hypocrisy of Mr. "we're all gonna have to turn our thermostats down and conserve energy." According to Anderson Cooper, Katie Couric was sweating after her interview with the president, and he said the Oval Office was incredibly hot. Seriously? Get a fricken Snuggie and turn the thermostat down. Why should I conserve when he wont? And why is he spending my tax dollars on his heat. I know he's seen the can do ANYTHING in a Snuggie!

Buuuuuut I digress. Who would have thought the easiest confirmation in the Obama cabinet would be Hillary Clinton? All the buzz leading up to the confirmation hearings was all about how foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation or whatever would create a conflict of interests, but she got through like nothing compared to these other folk.

Although, I am not surprised by these picks. Knowing the crows President Obama hung with back in Chicago, these people are nothing.

Unfortunately, this post is going to be cut short. I'm not feeling too well today and I have a stack of reading that needs done.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Gloves Are Coming Off

I came to a realization after my last post. I finally, in that post, wrote what I wanted without fear of being too conservative, too republican, or too anti-Obama. And I liked it. I have always wanted to be one who was not blinded by ideology and thought for herself. I still consider myself that type of person, but I have worried about being pigeonholed by others as not. However, I decided today that that doesn't matter anymore. My last post sounded like a rant form a far-Right loon, and that is what I intended. I was incredibly angry about that topic and wanted to express that frustration.

So today, the gloves are coming off. I don't care how trivial, I am going to write about it. Starting with something that irritates Michelle to no end: President Obama's refusal to wear his jacket in the White House. According to those who worked there, President Bush was seen only a handful of times in eight years without his jacket, yet it seems Obama has been seen the same number of times WITH his. This is a huge deal in the cultural of the office. The lack of jacket seems to put out a feeling of disrespect for his office; that his job is not important enough for him to dress the part. When they are out with the people, I am totally find with my politicians dressing informally. But when they are in the Oval Office making like or death decisions, I want me president dressing the part and treating the office with the gravity it deserves.

Point two: I don't know if anyone has given him the memo, but the President of the United States has MUCH bigger fish to fry than changing the college football championship procedures from a ranking system to a playoff system. Seriously, how is this something for the PoTUS to be dealing with! This angers me to no end. You have two wars and a recession on your hands, and you're throwing a Super Bowl party, talking to Matt Lauer, and trying to convince the BCS to go to a playoff system! Someone is vacationing on Planet Blago.

Lastly: Calling out Rush Limbaugh. Um...doesn't the president know that by calling Limbaugh out...he gives him credibility? Yes, the point was to denounce Limbaugh and to take away his credibility, but by putting his name out there the opposite happens. Yes, he is a bit crazy at times, but Limbaugh is the loudest voice of conservative ideology and I think it's a bad idea for the president to try and take him on. Plus, it belittles the president, having him engage in a schoolyard "don't listen to him! he's a meaniehead" argument.

Well, that's all for now. Maybe Michelle will blog today...maybe not. Please leave ideas for punishments for her missing her blog Saturday, and even worse ones if she misses todays too! I'm thinking that making her listen to all three hours of Sean Hannity and blogging throughout would be pretty sweet, eh?

The REAL Barack Obama

The mainstream media chose to ignore President Obama's connection with William Ayers, self-proclaimed domestic terrorist who said he wished he had succeeded in blowing up the Pentagon during Vietnam, and to an extent they ignored his church's pastor, Jeramiah Wright. Seriously, how can you attend church every Sunday for 20 years (which he says he did) and not know your pastor was a racist, anti-American radical?

Well, the old Obama is coming out again, ready to use his deceitful political ways to gain power. If I sound a bit Sean Hannity now, it is because I mean too. This is seriously troubling to me and America needs to open their eyes to the real Barack Obama.

News has gotten out that President Obama intends to nominate a republican senator to the vacated position of commerce secretary. Now, at first glance you think, "aw, that's nice. how bi-partisan of him!" Look a little deeper, though, and the deceit rears it's head.

If the republican senator he nominates accepts, his seat will be filled by the governor of that state. The senators he is looking at...have democratic state governors. So whom will these governors nominate to fill the empty seats? You guessed it, democrats!

Now, if Norm Coleman looses his appeal in the MInnesota recount, and Obama gets a governor to appoint a democrat to a seat vacated by a republican...democrats will have a filibuster proof majority in the senate! And all of his radical agenda will pass no questions asked.

This is not new in the Obama political playbook. When he was running for senate in the city of Chicago, he put together a massive smear campaign against his opponent, who had a tremendous lead in the polls. He accused her of forging signatures on her petition for office and other things that are accounted in the book "The Obama Nation."

Wait...didn't Obama campaign on the idea of being a Washington outside...a new kind of politician...a clean, nice guy who played fair and clean?

Oh, how America was decieved. And now we will all pay the price. No wonder he wants to discredit El Rushbo...the loudest voice of truth and opposition he has to deal with, because what would happen if he was exposed as the fraud he is.

Bailout Bonanza!

President Obama repeatedly expressed his desire to have a stimulus package on his desk to sign on the first full day of his presidency.

Well, it is day eight, and still no plan.

One of the things I love most about this stimulus package is the "tax cut" it gives to people. His "tax cut" is a $500 check for individuals and a $1000 check for families. This is a rebate, similar to President Bush's stimulus package, not a "tax cut." People have bad memories of President Bush's stimulus, so by misnaming it, prehaps the president can garner support for the plan.

The plan had originally called for money to be allocated for contraception. Now, I am completely in favor of contraception, as it has loads of health benefits which I feel outweigh its pregnancy prevention. However, I do not think the government should be spending money on this, and apparently the majority of the Congress agrees, as that part was taken out of the bill.

Obviously the president and his advisors have not been paying attention while they were making their moving plans, as the last bailout and stimulus package the government threw out there has done absolutely nothing to help revive the economy. President Bush spent, spent, spent, and it did nothing to fix the economy. President Obama apparently must think the rules do not apply to him, since he is attempting to institute the same strategy.

Another part of the bill that was eliminated was a proposed $200 million to re-sod the National Mall, and $200 million for new cars for government officials. Seriously? Also, on page 147 is a $335 million dollar plan for STD education at the Center for Disease Control. What more is there to teach people about STD prevention than either don't have sex or wear a condom.

I will say that there are some good parts of this proposed bill. There is an increase in food stamps and other government services. The hope is that people will have more money to spend elsewhere if they are spending less of their money on food. This may not work as planned, but giving people on food stamps more money for food could potentially work.

This proposed bill of President Obama's is ballooning to $900 billion. Where is all of this money coming from? Why can't the government operate like people: DON'T SPEND MONEY YOU DON'T HAVE! I only spend money that I have and I get by. The bill is available for all to read and to see what is really being proposed, not just what President Obama and the liberals want to spin it to you as. I urge all Americans to research this bill and to contact their Congressmen about this horrible misuse of nonexistent funds that will drive this country further in debt.

On Stem Cells, Blago, and Editorial Pages

Anyone else think it is a bad idea for Blago to have Drew Peterson's PR guy working to better his name? I don't typically want the people who represented a man who had three wives mysteriously disappear trying to clear my name, but I don't live on Planet Blago.

Blago appeared on every television show known to man today including The View, Good Morning America, and, where I would personally recommend going when you need to restore your credibility and proclaim your innocence, a street interview with Geraldo. This guy is off the deep end, and I love it. His impeachment trial starts today, and I don't think he really cares. Despite the enormous amount of evidence against him, I am fairly certain that he believes he will be found innocent and continue his job as governor of Illinois. In the words of Hermione Granger: What. An. Idiot.

Please sit down before continuing: I am going to praise President Obama. Yes, 911 is the correct number to call if you are having a heart attack right now. President Obama has expressed his commitment to increase funding for Stem Cell research- one of President Bush's handful of pardons. I have always been a supporter of stem-cell research. I believe that this line of medical study holds huge promise, particularly in the area of Parkinson's Disease. I am no expert on the science involved, but my understanding is that stem cells can become anything. Yes, embryonic stem cells can become babies, but they can become livers and hearts and many other things, according to my understanding. Why allow a "potential" person to sit in a freezer when it could be helping to save the life of someone who is already alive? I differ from many Conservatives in that I believe in preserving life that already exists as opposed to life that may potentially exist, and I applaud President Obama for allowing federal funds for stem-cell research.

Lastly, I received yet another example of why I have been refused the position of opinion columnist for the Indiana Daily Student 4 semesters running. Today's editorial page consisted of 4, I believe, editorials praising President Obama, calling him Superman, and congratulating him on closing Guantanamo Bay. It also doesn't help my cause that the opinions editor wrote two articles a few weeks ago expressing his complete love of Hilary Clinton.

Ah, the perils of being a college conservative.

The Wonderful Planet Blago

I'm going to come out and say it: I hope Blago is governor of Illinois forever. I hope he becomes a cyborg and lives forever, because he is so darn entertaining.

His press conference today was a complete train-wreck, and I made popcorn and watched! Seriously, how can anyone trust a guy with hair like that and a mafia accent?

He held a press conference today to address his trial for various crimes including attempting to swindle a children's hospital out of money, trying to get people fired from newspaper staffs that were not kind to him, and trying to sell President Obama's senate seat. In the conference, he basically said he didn't care what they did in the trial, because he didn't believe it was lawful.

What made this completely insane press conference better was Shepard Smith's running commentary throughout. Seriously, someone needs to give Shep a late night talk show or a comedy special, because his commentary was hilarious, mocking every word Blago said.

What made it even better was that Blago took questions from the press! He never does that! And when they asked him questions he didn't like, he refused to answer them. So much for taking questions.

Oddly, he didn't quote any poets or dead presidents. A shame really.

Yes, he is possibly the worst governor in the history of the world, but Illinois should really keep him around, just for the money they could rake in from a variety hour composed of only his press conferences.

Sorry for the brevity of this post, but today was a slow news day, and I am incredibly tired.

What? You Want To Ask Me Questions?

ince President Obama's election I have told myself and others that I will support the president and hope for success. I felt it was my duty to support the president and it felt bad to wish failure upon him.

Last night this changed. I was watching an interview with Rush Limbaugh and he said something interesting. He said that he supports the president and hopes he can fix the United States, but does not want his agenda to succeed if that agenda is a far left one.

And you know what, I agree. In the spirit of bipartisanship I blindly decided to support the president no matter what. However, I forgot my values and what I believe in. Why would I support an agenda that is the complete opposite of what I believe and think is best for America? Like Rush, I hope that Obama can fix America, but I do not want a far left agenda to succeed in America. I support Obama as a person, but not his agenda.

To that end, I do not at all support what President Obama has done today. He signed executive orders today that close the facility at Guantanamo Bay within one year and define what are lawful interrogation techniques.

First off, closing Gitmo is a HORRIBLE! Idea. Intelligence shows that those who have been released and returned to their home countries end up back on the field of battle. And what does Obama want to do with those there? Send them back home! And if home won't take them, well, let's just put them in American prisons! Wonderful idea big guy.

The second hinders our intelligence gathering abilities immensely in my view. What he has defined as lawful interrogation techniques excludes many of the techniques that have gained us valuable intelligence. I'm sorry to sound like a horrible person, but I care more about getting intelligence to protect Americans than the rights and physical comfort of a terrorist.

And to top it all off, President Obama visited the White House briefing room...but didn't want to answer questions saying, "I can't end up visiting you guys and shaking hands if I am going to grilled every time I come down here." What did he expect, a tea party? I can understand his surprise, though. I don't know what I would do if the media that treated me like the messiah suddenly was a little more harsh and wanted to ask actual questions about policy and substance.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go listen to Hannah Montana and go into my safe zone, far away from American prisons full of al Queda and meanie press people.

JoBros, Dresses, and Terrorists, Oh My!

If I was bitter yesterday, today I am furious.

Not because of anything Obama did (although, going to balls until 3 AM is pretty impressive, I definitely couldn’t have done it. Especially since you know they were probably up at 5 AM).

No, my grief is now with his children.

While their parents were out at parties, they had a scavenger hunt in the White House to learn about their new home. Well, when they got to the last room they opened the door…


My dad needs to be elected president STAT so I can go on a scavenger hunt and find the JoBros or George Clooney.

I do feel for the new president though. There was a report today that he dropped his Blackberry. I feel for him, I nearly have a heart attack whenever I drop my Blackjack II. Just think about what would happen if we dropped iPhones. GAH
Although, President Obama probably wouldn’t have any problem replacing his. I would just sit in front of mine mourning over its loss.

Anyway…on to more serious matters…like that hideous dress the First Lady was wearing. Anyone who knows me will tell you, I am impartial when it comes to fashion. But seriously, poof balls? One shoulder? An indeterminable color? And the dress was not flattering of her figure at all. President Obama had it easy- black tux and BOOM, out the door. Guys really do not understand the hardships us women face in the fashion world.

And that dancing? I felt awkward just watching Obama get jiggy with it from my room. Imagine the people around him. Maybe his BFF Ellen can give him some dance lessons.

The major issues of today is Obama’s decision to halt trials in Gitmo. He wants to close the base within a year of his unsigned draft of an Executive Order. And his solution for what to do with everyone there…put them in US prisons! A wonderful idea. I really want Kahlid Sheik Mohammad in the US, the country he planned to destroy. I will definitely sleep better at night knowing a terrorist could break out of prison at any time, hit up Osama on his cell, and blow up a building. I’ve watched enough 24 to know how this stuff goes down.

Oh well, only 1,459 days to go. But who’s counting, eh?