Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's On

My frustration with the Obama administration and the democrat controlled congress has now turned to anger.

Furious, extreme anger.

Today the Senate passed a version of the fairness doctrine. It uses backdoor FCC regulations in order to enforce a balance of ideas on radio. It isn't a conspiracy that allows conservatives to dominate talk radio.

It's the free market.

Air America, a liberal talk radio network, was launched several years ago. You know what happened?

It went bankrupt. Because no one wanted to listen.

Radio stations are in it to make money. And conservative talk radio makes money. Rush Limbaugh rakes in millions in ad revenue. That's why so many stations cary him, and why he is on for three hours every day.

But the liberals in congress want to force their views on America. It apparently isn't enough that they control broadcast and print journalism. They need radio too.

Then there is the continued line of porkulous bills.

This president has spent $36 BILLION a day since he was in office.

His spending bill has upwards of $3 TRILLION in new spending.

And yet, he stood in front of the nation Tuesday night (depriving me of new episodes of 'Scrubs', I might ad) and told me and the rest of America that we need to get out of debt and criticized the Bush administration for allowing the national debt to rise.

And he turns right around and proposes a multi-trillion dollar budget, $860 BILLION stimulus package, and the congress today passed a $490-ish BILLION spending package with 8,600 EARMARKS!

Oh, and guess what. President Obama and Vice-President Biden HAVE MULTIPLE EARMARKS IN THE BILL!

I seem to recall Obama saying something about not signing any legislation with earmarks and pork during the campaign...and yet he is PROPOSING earmarks in a bill?

Never mind the complete disregard for economic ideals. Where are we going to get all of this money? China won't loan us any money, because they know we're not good for it. Europe is dealing with its own economic issues, so they don't have any money to give us.

So, that means we are going to have to print it. Every dime.

And what does the mass printing of money do?

It devalues all of the money.

Which leads to inflation.

And the inflation that is going to come upon my generation and the generation after me looks to be the likes of which no one has seen since post-World War 1 Germany.

Remember those pictures in your history books of people taking wheelbarrows to the grocery store?

Yeah, that is what I am talking about. That kind of inflation.

What frustrates me even more is the complete lack of respect in this administration. In his speech Obama didn't try to hide his Bush-bashing. And the democrats didn't either, hooting and hollering when Obama said that they needed to take care of "the massive debt we inherited." That debt was huge way before Bush got into office, and looks to be even larger when Obama leaves in 4 years.

There is also the minimum wage increase that congress passed a few years ago. It comes into effect this year. What happens when you raise the minimum wage? Employers are forced to cut hours/employees because they can no longer afford to employ as many people at a higher rate. This does what, oh, raise unemployment. And isn't Obama about lowering it?

And what happens when all of his roads and bridges and other public works projects are completed? Those people no longer have jobs either. So they are what, unemployed again. And we are right back where we started.

I have no idea how this administration thinks it is going to cut the national debt in half by 2014. Especially when they continue to throw trillions of dollars out the window. It's time, as Glenn Beck said today, for Americans to stand up for themselves. Their government is failing them in a massive way, and wasting their money and stealing money from their children and grandchildren.

Revolution is necessary in some cases. Not military revolution, but ideological. Only 20% of americans identify themselves as liberal, and our country is being run by the most liberal congress ever. This is not representative of America.

But what do I know. It is very likely that tomorrow my blog will be removed because it isn't "fair."

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