The first thread I will write about involves President Obama and his spreading the wealth. Let me refresh you on the first instance of this concept with then-Senator Obama and a guy by the name of Joe the Plumber:
Obama: Because my attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody. If you've got a plumbing business, you're gonna be better off if you've got a whole bunch of customers who can afford to hire you. And right now, everybody's so pinched that business is bad for everybody. And I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody.
Many have argued that this is a fluke or a misstatement, or a non-issue. But I'm taking the president at his word when he says to look to those he surrounds himself with to figure out his ideals and policies. Thus, I bring to you President Obama and Social Justice!
The concept of social justice is one used mainly by the left. it is used in reference to a society that has a large gap between economic classes. The idea of social justice is to bring the lowest class closer to the highest by taking from the highest and giving to the lowest.
Sound like spreading the wealth around?
This term shows up in the mission statements of several groups the president has associated himself with, or have associated themselves with him. The Service Employees International Union, commonly known as SEIU,states in its code of ethics that it is "committed to pursuing justice for all, and in particular to bringing economic and social justice to the most exploited."
Obama has spoken at the last SEIU convention, and they openly are working with the administration and were vocal supporters of the president during the campaign.
The ever popular Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, has similar goals. It says on its website that it is made up primarily of low to middle income people and says it is a non-profit, non-partisan "social justice organization."
And both ACORN and SEIU receive funding from the complex organization called the TIDES Foundation. TIDES is basically a middle-man. People give money to TIDES so it is anonymously given to other organizations. That way, people can fund whatever cause they want, but it is not known. On its site, the organizations says it aims to promote "economic justice" TIDES also believes in funding from "bottom to top and from side-to-side." That policy sounds a lot like what the president proposed, doesn't it?
So, if we do as the president says, we have learned that the president has been associated with groups that have set out to take from the rich and give to the poor. To create a more equal economic society by punishing success.This information isn't hidden. Quite the opposite, it is readily available on all these organizations websites. Their ties to the president are no secret either. Which makes it even more puzzling why no one has picked up on it yet.
The other threads are just as obvious. More on those in due time.
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