Thursday, April 19, 2007

Hasn't This Gone Far Enough?

My father is not letting my sisters go to school tomorrow.
And I'm only going because I have a field trip that leaves right when school starts.

Apparently, a "hit list" was found at Jeff High School. Frankly, I don't find this news, this kind of thing happens frequently from what I hear. However, due to the VT tragedy, the entire town is in an uproar.

I understand that all threats should be taken seriously, but taking your kids out of school due to fear, that is a bit over the top.

From what I hear, Jeff is a scary place. Gangs run rampant and police are a noticeable presence. At my school, it is quite the contrary. We have a nice school with nearly invisible police presence and I would never think of my school when I think about school violence.

Shouldn't parents feel safe enough with the security at their schools to send their kids there? I personally would still go to school, because if I don't, they win. These people are nothing more than terrorists, end of story.

While there isn't a clear thesis to this blog, the point is that kids need to have the courage to speak up when they see something happening, and responses need to be quick. And we need to stop treating evil with kiddie gloves, unless we want to anti-up with 32 lives.

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