Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Communism, Anyone?

Thanks to Drudge, everyone now knows the truth, Hilary is a fan of communism.

How stupid can you be? Announcing to the world you're belief in a "shared prosperity."
If she thinks she can change the free market economy of the United States, I think she needs a lobotomy.

Let's hope someone else picks this story up.

Minimun Wage Increase: Unemployment Increase

Long time no blog, but Congress's most recent act has inspired me to come out of laziness.

Congress approved a minium wage increase, making the minimum wage for gtom $5.15 to $7.25.

Now, when I was hired at my current job, I made $6.25. I now, after two years of work, make $8.10. People working for minimum wage are, for the most part, not trying to support a family. They have little education, and are usually young.

Increasing the minimum wage will go more harm than good. Businesses cannot afford to pay all of their employees more. Therefore, people will be let go. Now, I'd rather have a job making next to nothing, than no job at all.

Well, that's all I've got. Until next time...

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Are Your Ready for Some Politics?

Well, the preseason has begun- the first GOP debate of the 2008 election. Personally, I don't feel that these 10-person debates are very effective. I honestly only knew who 3 of the men were, and couldn't keep up with the rest.

I was very disappointed with Giuliani. He knew he had to appeal to the radical right, yet many of his views on social issues are moderate, thereby throwing him off on those questions. Although his answer on the different kinds of Iraqi's was very impressive.

I thought McCain was panicing a bit. He answered all of the questions well, but I felt he was trying too hard.

I really know nothing about Mitt Romney. I don't really like him still, but I live the veracity with which he loathes the Clintons, lol.

Overall, I really wish they would debate in smaller groups. You can't really delcair a winner in these circumstances, which is a shame. Next stop- CNN on June 4