Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Minimun Wage Increase: Unemployment Increase

Long time no blog, but Congress's most recent act has inspired me to come out of laziness.

Congress approved a minium wage increase, making the minimum wage for gtom $5.15 to $7.25.

Now, when I was hired at my current job, I made $6.25. I now, after two years of work, make $8.10. People working for minimum wage are, for the most part, not trying to support a family. They have little education, and are usually young.

Increasing the minimum wage will go more harm than good. Businesses cannot afford to pay all of their employees more. Therefore, people will be let go. Now, I'd rather have a job making next to nothing, than no job at all.

Well, that's all I've got. Until next time...

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