Monday, September 29, 2008

American Stupidity

Excuse me while I temporarily abandon my usually mild-mannered demeanor and civil discourse.

So, the bail-out was voted down. All looked good when mysteriously, 20 yea's became nay's and the bill collapsed. The result? The market went into a free fall, with the Dow closing down around 770 points.

And what does the Congressional leadership have to say about this? Just that it is the Republicans' fault. Really? Seeing as how they are the minority of Congress, it doesn't seem like you really need them to pass it Pelosi. Seems more like it's YOUR fault that this didn't get passed, especially because of your wonderful pre-vote speech. And she ranted against those Republicans who didn't show up to talks, but told McCain he wasn't needed.

And you, the current majority of Americans, want to continue this free-for-all by electing the leader of this party? A party that failed to accomplish any of its "100 hour" plans for their entrance into Congress? A party that cannot put its partisan bickering aside to help you, the regular American?

And a man who is so egotistical, that he wouldn't even stop campaigning to help the country out of this crisis.

Is that a man who is looking out for you? Why should you look out for him, when he won't even do the job he is currently paid to do?

I really hope Americans wise up, because I don't want to have to move to Canada. it's cold, and I don't speak french.

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