Monday, August 17, 2009

Town Hall Sparks Debate, Discussion

The Democratic National Party's statement that the "angry mobs" at town hall events were all taking orders from the Republican Party was proved wrong Monday night.

A standing-room-only crowd filled the Mcallister meeting rooms of the Tippecanoe County Library's downtown branch Monday night for a town hall meeting on the proposed health care bill.

Most in attendance were against the bill, sparking up conversations with those around them before the meeting began. Those who came ranged from toddlers to the elderly.

The man speaker of the even was Donn Brown, a member of the group Citizens in Action. Brown discussed how he sees the bill as not a health care bill, but a taking away of freedoms.

He started the meeting with the Pledge of Alligance, then launched into hand-raising questions such as if those in attendance believed in the constitution and if they supported the bill.

Isabel Hogue, an insurance agent, also spoke. She gave the croud a history of the insurance industry and explained how it functions. She told the crowd that a large reason for the rise in health care costs is because no one knows how much it actually costs, as all they pay are copays, saying a government-run system would just cause more hassle and higher costs.

Before the question and answer session could begin, an audience member shouted out "Do you have insurance?" to Brown, who replied that he did. The person then began yelling back, which caused Brown to tell the crowd that the meeting would end if there was disruptive behavior "like you see on tv."

The warning did not stop anyone. During the question and answer session, many who support President Obama took to yelling at those who oppose him, and at Brown. One man walked out after Brown said someone else's health care was not his responsibility and did not allow the man to continue interrupting the questions.

Near the meeting's end, Brown had Ashley Freije speak to the crowd. Freije, 21, said she had read the entire health care bill, and told the crowd some items she found of interest, such as tax hikes and information gathering techniques, that were not in the group's meeting notes.

Brown ended the meeting by asking everyone to contact their congressmen and tell them to oppose the bill. He also encouraged people to call state officials and congressmen from other states and districts.

Citizens in Action will hold another town hall meeting Tuesday night at the Klondike branch of the Tippecanoe County Public Library.

1 comment:

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