Monday, February 2, 2009

JoBros, Dresses, and Terrorists, Oh My!

If I was bitter yesterday, today I am furious.

Not because of anything Obama did (although, going to balls until 3 AM is pretty impressive, I definitely couldn’t have done it. Especially since you know they were probably up at 5 AM).

No, my grief is now with his children.

While their parents were out at parties, they had a scavenger hunt in the White House to learn about their new home. Well, when they got to the last room they opened the door…


My dad needs to be elected president STAT so I can go on a scavenger hunt and find the JoBros or George Clooney.

I do feel for the new president though. There was a report today that he dropped his Blackberry. I feel for him, I nearly have a heart attack whenever I drop my Blackjack II. Just think about what would happen if we dropped iPhones. GAH
Although, President Obama probably wouldn’t have any problem replacing his. I would just sit in front of mine mourning over its loss.

Anyway…on to more serious matters…like that hideous dress the First Lady was wearing. Anyone who knows me will tell you, I am impartial when it comes to fashion. But seriously, poof balls? One shoulder? An indeterminable color? And the dress was not flattering of her figure at all. President Obama had it easy- black tux and BOOM, out the door. Guys really do not understand the hardships us women face in the fashion world.

And that dancing? I felt awkward just watching Obama get jiggy with it from my room. Imagine the people around him. Maybe his BFF Ellen can give him some dance lessons.

The major issues of today is Obama’s decision to halt trials in Gitmo. He wants to close the base within a year of his unsigned draft of an Executive Order. And his solution for what to do with everyone there…put them in US prisons! A wonderful idea. I really want Kahlid Sheik Mohammad in the US, the country he planned to destroy. I will definitely sleep better at night knowing a terrorist could break out of prison at any time, hit up Osama on his cell, and blow up a building. I’ve watched enough 24 to know how this stuff goes down.

Oh well, only 1,459 days to go. But who’s counting, eh?

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